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Here are the answers to the most asked questions we get from you

  • Can I cancel at any time?

    Yes. You may cancel your Insider account whenever you wish before your renewal date and you will keep your access till the end of your pay period. To cancel your subscription, click on the icon on the top right of the page, then click on 'Settings'. Scroll down to 'Your plan' section, and click on 'Cancel plan renewal'. You won't be billed again.

  • Why do you have a paywall?

    Our reviews are time-consuming and costly, since we buy our own products and have an extensive testing methodology. Direct support from our users helps us stay unbiased by reducing our reliance on our other sources of revenues like affiliate links (links to retailers).

  • How many days before the full reviews are early access posted?

    It varies, usually 3-5 days before. Early access results only include measurements, scores and photos (not the text of the review). The text is only available at the same time as the full review.

  • Can I do a one-time donation instead to support you?

    No, but you can subscribe and cancel right after. If you want to donate more than the usual membership, this isn't supported at the moment.

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